There is no “proof” that something works like the results others have achieved using the Baldrige Excellence Framework.
See the results that Concordia Publishing House and City of Coral Springs, Florida
achieved using the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence.
These links reveal the actual applications submitted and can provide many insights into the Baldrige Criteria! The City of Coral Springs also provides a wealth of “how to” information that you can use for your Baldrige Journey.
When Coral Springs became the first local government in the nation to earn the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, City Manager Michael S. Levinson stated:
“With that (winning) comes a responsibility to share with other cities how we have become a government that focuses on customer needs, outstanding results and top performance management practices.
While it is truly an honor to receive this award, what helps our organization most is the feedback from Baldrige examiners. Their feedback reports allow us to implement many process improvements that directly benefit our customers."
Government & Non-Profit Application
The Baldrige Excellence Framework is a set of inter-related questions across seven categories:
1. Leadership
2. Strategic Planning
3. Customer Focus
4. Measurement, Analysis and Knowledge Management
5. Workforce Focus
6. Operations Focus
7. Results
Answering these questions leads organizations on a journey of continuous improvement that commonly results in:
· Increased efficiency (cost savings – more satisfied taxpayers/tuition payers);
· Increased effectiveness (accomplishing better outcomes with more satisfied students and parents);
· Increased willingness of taxpayers/tuition payers to support higher education funding levels;
· A more engaged workforce (teachers and other staff members who love not only their work but their work environment);
· Innovation and agility that allow the entire school system to flex and change rather than rupture;
· Leadership (school boards, superintendents, principals) who take great satisfaction in jobs well done; and
· Favorable comparisons against other school systems recognized for excellence.
For further information and consultation to aid your journey to Performance Excellence contact us, or call 859-281-1171 or 502-608-2061.
*As of 2013 and beyond, all Baldrige award applicants must begin with state affiliated organizations such as KyCPE