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Code of Ethical Standards

Declaration of Principles


Members of the Kentucky Center for Performance Excellence Board of Examiners pledge to uphold their professional principles in the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

In promoting high standards of public service and ethical conduct, Examiners:

  • Shall conduct themselves professionally, with truth, accuracy, fairness, respect and responsibility to their public.

  • Shall not represent conflicting or competing interests, nor place themselves in such a position where their interest may be in conflict – or appear to be in conflict – with the purposes and administration of the Award program.

  • Shall safeguard the confidences of all parties involved in the judging or examination of present or former applicants.

  • Shall protect confidential information and avoid disclosures that may in any way influence the Award integrity or process, currently or in the future.

  • Shall not serve any private or special interest in their fulfillment of the duties of a Judge or Examiner, therefore excluding by definition the examination of any organization or subunit of an organization, which employs them or has a consulting arrangement in effect or anticipated with them.

  • Shall not serve as an Examiner of a primary competitor, customer or supplier of any organization (or subunit of an organization) that employs them, or that they have a financial interest in, anticipate a consulting arrangement with, or are otherwise involved.

  • Shall not intentionally communicate false or misleading information that may compromise the integrity of the Award process or decisions therein. 

  • Shall never approach an organization they have evaluated for their personal gain, including the establishment of an employment or consulting relationship.

  • If approached by an organization they have evaluated, shall not accept employment from that organization for a period of two years after the evaluation.

Furthermore, it is pledged that as a member in good standing of the Kentucky Center for Performance Excellence Board of Examiners, each Examiner shall strive to enhance and advance KYCPE as it serves to stimulate companies and organizations to improve quality, productivity and overall performance.]

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